What to wear for Mardi Gras

What is the Weather Like for Mardi Gras?

The weather for Mardi Gras varies yearly because Mardi Gras Day can be anywhere between February 3 and March 9. Mardi Gras Weather can be anywhere from rainy and cold to sunny and warm.

What to wear to Mardi Gras

Yellow Wavy Line

The top tip for clothes for a Mardi Gras Parade is to be comfortable. Mardi Gras Weekend is a marathon and not a sprint, but Purple, Green, and Gold are a must. Also Glitter - lots and lots of Glitter!

What do I wear to the office during Mardi Gras?

Traditional Mardi Gras colors are Purple, Green, and Gold, so wear your Mardi Gras finest shirt with jeans if your office has a casual Friday or dress code. 

What do I wear in a Mardi Gras Parade?

If you are in a Mardi Gras Parade, you either march with a krewe or ride on a float!  Most Parade members have strict costuming requirements, which include keeping their faces covered at all times! 

What do I wear to a Mardi Gras Ball?

Yellow Wavy Line

Mardi Gras Balls are the most formal event that many New Orleanians may experience! Women are expected to wear long formal dresses that skim the floor or are ankle length. Men are expected to wear a black tuxedo for the event.