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Eating at Paula Deen’s The Lady and Sons – It’s Butter Y’all

During our quick trip to Savannah, Georgia, Mom and I didn’t have anything planned. We literally knew had a hotel room, and that we wanted to eat great food. After passing Lady & Sons a couple of times on our Hop on Hop off tour, mom and I decided that we needed to eat in Paula Deen’s Kitchen.

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Savannah, Georgia: Things to do during a Long Weekend

It’s Savannah Y’all! As someone who loves travel, sometimes I get an in-between itch trips. There have been many weekends when my mom and I look at each other, and we cannot decide what we want to do in New Orleans, so we decide we want to take a weekend trip. Most of the time, however, we waste away our Saturday dreaming of jet-setting off to LA, Cancun or New York and don’t actually. Well, with a little bit of pre-planning, mom and I spent a quick weekend exploring Savanah, Georgia.

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Savannah Sweets: Eating at Leopold’s Ice Cream

Ice cream is something my family loves to have. We first fell in love with good ice cream in Niagara Falls at COWs and made eating good ice cream while we traveled a tradition when we visited Madison, Wisconsin at Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream Co. When I learned about Leopold’s from a friend’s Facebook Check-in, I knew I had to visit.

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